Family Members Vocabulary in Swiss German

Family is one of the most important things in life. They are the people who love and support us no matter what. That’s why it’s important to know the vocabulary for family members.

Swiss German is a collection of Alemannic dialects spoken in Switzerland. Family vocabulary in Swiss German is quite similar to Standard German, but there may be variations in pronunciation and regional terms. Here’s a list of family vocabulary in Swiss German:

Immediate family:

  • Muetter (mother)
  • Vatter (father)
  • Elter (parent)
  • Sohn (son)
  • Tochter (daughter)
  • Brüeder (brother)
  • Schwöschter (sister)
  • Maa (husband)
  • Fraa (wife)

Extended family:

  • Grossvatter (grandfather)
  • Grossmuetter (grandmother)
  • Onkel (uncle)
  • Tante (aunt)
  • Cousin (male cousin)
  • Cousine (female cousin)
  • Neffu (nephew)
  • Nichte (niece)
  • Schwoger (brother-in-law)
  • Schwögerin (sister-in-law)
  • Schwiegervatter (father-in-law)
  • Schwiegermuetter (mother-in-law)
  • Schwieggersohn (son-in-law)
  • Schwiegertochter (daughter-in-law)

By learning the Italian vocabulary for family members, you will be able to communicate more effectively with native speakers and to learn more about Swiss culture.

Please note that Swiss German can vary between regions and may have different terms or variations in pronunciation. It’s always a good idea to adapt to the specific dialect of the area you are in.

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