Days of the week in Portuguese

The days of the week in Portuguese are:

  • Segunda-feira (Monday)
  • Terça-feira (Tuesday)
  • Quarta-feira (Wednesday)
  • Quinta-feira (Thursday)
  • Sexta-feira (Friday)
  • Sábado (Saturday)
  • Domingo (Sunday)

Here are some examples of how to use the days of the week in Portuguese:

  • Que dia é hoje? (What day is it today?)
  • Hoje é segunda-feira. (Today is Monday.)
  • O que você vai fazer no sábado? (What are you going to do on Saturday?)
  • Vou ao cinema com alguns amigos. (I’ll go to the movies with some friends.)
  • Você prefere sábado ou domingo para ir à praia? (Do you prefer Saturday or Sunday to go to the beach?)
  • Domingo é um bom dia para descansar. (Sunday is a good day to rest.)

Here are some tips for learning the days of the week in Portuguese:

  • Try to associate each day of the week with a specific activity or event. For example, you could associate segunda-feira with trabalho (work), terça-feira with escola (school), quarta-feira with compras (shopping), quinta-feira with amigos (friends), sexta-feira with diversão (fun), sábado with fim de semana (weekend), and domingo with família (family).
  • Create a song or poem about the days of the week. This can be a fun and effective way to memorize them.
  • Practice using the days of the week in conversation. For example, you could ask your friends or family what day it is, or what they are planning to do on the weekend.

Learning the days of the week in Portuguese is an important step in learning the language. With a little practice, you’ll be able to use them with ease in no time!

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